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"N'oubliez pas de participer à nos concours Wink "

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Gestion TC - Cities In Motion
Bienvenue sur le forum de la communauté Francophone de Cities in motion et du jeu en ligne : Gestion TC

"N'oubliez pas de participer à nos concours Wink "

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Gestion TC - Cities In Motion
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 [Cam] Camera mod

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Masculin Bélier Chien
Messages : 1019
Points : 6511
Réputation : 45
Date d'inscription : 12/02/2011
Age : 42
Localisation : nancy (54)
Humeur : pépère ....

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeDim 20 Fév - 13:36

[Cam] Camera mod Warningmodifs2
[Cam] Camera mod Info XiDragons CiM-CAM - The Cities in Motion Camera Mod

XiDragon le 19. Feb 2011, 12:39
v 1.32

This mod has been tested and is found fully compatible with the game patch v1.0.12 and v1.0.13.

Mod Functions

Whats New Overview:
(Look further down for more details.)

  • Added: Preliminary function to change the camera field of view using Shift-Mousewheel
    in Screenhot-Mode. Using Shift-Mousewheel-Button resets the field of view.
  • Fixed: Autosave and Quicksave problems.
  • Fixed: Centering of camera direction.
  • Fixed: Rotating the camera did not work after turning off the Alternative-Camera-Mode.
  • Fixed: Camera jumped when switching between keyboard and mouse steering.
  • Fixed: Message about Alternative-Camera-Mode showing up after changing CiM settings.
  • Fixed: Conflicting features with the CiM editor.

  • In the Alternative-Camera-Mode the camera tilt and rotation can now be steered with the mouse by holding down the right mouse button.
  • Configurability of the camera tilt keys.
  • Fixed: When autosave was turned off, quicksave was off as well.
  • Fixed: Quicksave only worked when it was a month where a autosave would have occured.
  • Fixed: Quicksaves counted the autosave counter down leading to not always creating a autosave in the month it should have been made.
  • Fixed: Turning off Screenshot-Mode always switched to the Alternative-Camera-Mode instead of the camera mode that was active before.
  • Fixed: When switching to Overview-Mode from Alternative-Camera-Mode far away objects were not displayed correct.

  • F12 - Alternative configurable camera mode.
  • Print Screen - Saves a screenshot
  • F9 - Show-/Hide all lines.
  • Shift-F9 - Hotkey to display FPS.
  • F8 - Quicksave.
  • Autosave Function.
  • Mod configurable via settings.script.
  • Fixed: Game-Crash using Screenshot-Mode on huge maps like Berlin.
  • CiM-CAM Hotkey settings are now located in a separate tab under the game Settings->Controls.
  • Many small improvements.
[Cam] Camera mod Icon_plus Changelogv1.22

  • Fixed corrupted language files.

  • Fixed a small bug that kept the installer from recognizing the final CiM install folder.

  • F11 moves the camera into an Oveview-Mode.
  • Screenshot-Mode camera steering optimized.
  • Keyboard shortcuts can now be set up via the ingame options.
  • Supported languages are English, German, Spanish and French.
  • Some minor improvements.

General Mod Functions:

  • Fog normally visible in the game when zooming out is turned off.
  • You can zoom a bit further out and in.
  • Autosave
    By default a autosave will be created every month and a maximum of 3 save will be kept. Saves will be kept separate for every map. This feature leads to a short stutter on the first of every month when the game is saved. This function can be configured via settings.script (look further down).
  • Supported languages are English, German, Spanish and French.

Hotkey Functions:

  • Shift-Mousewheel changes the camera field of view in Screenhot-Mode.
  • Shift-Mousewheel-Button resets the field of view.
  • Tab - Hides and unhides the UI
  • Print Screen - Saves a screenshot
    into the folder "My Documents\Cities in Motion".
  • F8 - Quicksave.
    Saves will be kept separate for every map. The amount of saves to keep can be configured via the settings.script (look further down). By default a maximum of 3 saves will be kept before the oldest will be overwritten by the next quicksave.
  • F9 - Show-/Hide all lines.
  • Shift-F9 - Hotkey to display FPS.
  • F11 - Moves the camera into an Oveview-Mode high above the city.
  • F12 - Alternative configurable camera mode.
    This mode allows you to tilt the camera and when zooming in and out does not change the tilt automatically like the default camera does. It costs a little bit performance when you tilted the camera upwards and therefore this mode should not be used on low-end PC's.
    As long as this mode is active the following additional hotkeys are available:

    • Up-Down - Tilt the camera.
  • Shift-F12 - Activates/deactivates the screenshot mode.
    CAUTION! This mode costs a lot of performance!
    As long as this mode is active the following additional hotkeys are available:

    • Up-Down - Tilt the camera.

To change the keyboard shortcuts go to Settings->Controls in the main menu or after pressing ESC during play.

Be informed that the mod will cost you a little bit performance when you zoom out to the max because the maximum zoom out level has been increased. If there is a need for a version with default zoom out level let me know and I will create one.

Configuring the mod via the settings.script file
CAUTION: If you make any mistakes or set the values too optimistic your game might crash!
[Cam] Camera mod Icon_plus Click to unroll descriptionThe file is located in the folder "My Documents\Cities in Motion".
The following CiM-CAM entries are available after the game has been started and a map loaded with the mod installed. The shown values are the default ones:

$cimcam_AutosaveInterval = 1;
How often will autosaves be created. Values can be 1-12. Meaning: 1 = every month, 2 = every two month and so on.

$cimcam_SavesToKeep = 3;
As many autosaves and quicksaves are kept before the oldest will be overwritten. Values can be 1-12.

$cimcam_AltCamMode = 0;
Configures the alternativ camera mode. This entry can be set to 0 or 1. 0 means off and 1 = on. This mode can also be activated via a hotkey (by default F12).

$cimcam_MouseXSensitivity = 4;
$cimcam_MouseYSensitivity = 4;
These two values define the mouse sensitivity for the camera tilt and rotation in the Alternative-Camera-Mode. Values can be between 0 and 10 where 0 is the highest sensitivity and 10 the lowest.

$cimcam_HighPerfPC = 1;
Configures the alternativ camera mode (by default on F12). This entry can be set to 0, 1, or 2. Where 0 should be used for low-end PC's and 2 for high-end PC's. Higher values mean that the graphics will be better when you switched to this mode. Finding the right value for your PC has to be tested by yourself.

$cimcam_PerfValue512Maps = 10;
$cimcam_PerfValue768Maps = 10;
$cimcam_PerfValue1024Maps = 9;
$cimcam_PerfValue1280Maps = 7;
These 4 values configure the Screenshot-Mode. Every entry stays for a certain map size and can set to 1 to 10. Higher values stay for better graphics quality. But be careful, higher values need more performance. Especially with huge maps (size 1280 like Berlin) values too high can lead to game crashes!

$cimcam_MinCameraZoom = 55;
Influences only the default camera mode. Sets how close you can zoom in. Values can be between 55 and 200.

$cimcam_MaxCameraZoom = 570;
Influences only the default camera mode. Sets how far you can zoom out. Values can be between 200 and 900

Compatibility with other mods
This mod will work fine with other mods as long as they do not change the same script files that this mod changes.
[Cam] Camera mod Icon_plus List of files used by this mod\metro\defaults\controls.keys

Known Issues

Colossal Order and Paradox for developing a great Game.
Liechti for his great Tool the GS-Fileviewer.

Hope you'll have fun using this mod.


[Cam] Camera mod Talach11

You have to install both, the full version and after that the patch!

[Cam] Camera mod[Cam] Camera mod[Cam] Camera mod[Cam] Camera mod[Cam] Camera mod[Cam] Camera mod[Cam] Camera mod

[Cam] Camera mod Clubsmanager


Dernière édition par Lemmy1916 le Mar 8 Mar - 12:20, édité 11 fois
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Messages : 120
Points : 5026
Réputation : 3
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2011

Bonus concours:
[Cam] Camera mod Left_bar_bleue4/50[Cam] Camera mod Empty_bar_bleue  (4/50)

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeSam 26 Fév - 17:57

Les 2 liens renvoient vers un forum allemand et y'a rien a télécharger. Crying or Very sad
Dommage j'aurais bien aimé essayer.
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Masculin Sagittaire Serpent
Messages : 39
Points : 4919
Réputation : 2
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2011
Age : 46
Localisation : Albufeira, Portugal

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeSam 26 Fév - 18:06

Pareil pour moi Crying or Very sad
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Petit nouveau
Petit nouveau

Messages : 5
Points : 4886
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2011

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeDim 27 Fév - 10:36

Va voir là:
Cam Wink
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Masculin Bélier Chien
Messages : 1019
Points : 6511
Réputation : 45
Date d'inscription : 12/02/2011
Age : 42
Localisation : nancy (54)
Humeur : pépère ....

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeDim 27 Fév - 12:52

Désolé mais en ce moment je bosse nuit et jour sur le site et j'ai pas le temps de remettre à jour les liens ou refaire de nouveau topics ... je m'en occupe de suite ^^

D'ailleurs à ce sujet je recherche toujours des gens pour m'aider ....
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Masculin Sagittaire Serpent
Messages : 39
Points : 4919
Réputation : 2
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2011
Age : 46
Localisation : Albufeira, Portugal

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Merci!   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeDim 27 Fév - 13:14

Merci pour les efforts!
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Masculin Bélier Chien
Messages : 1019
Points : 6511
Réputation : 45
Date d'inscription : 12/02/2011
Age : 42
Localisation : nancy (54)
Humeur : pépère ....

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeMar 8 Mar - 11:54

Mise à jour complète du topic ! passage à la v1.32
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Messages : 120
Points : 5026
Réputation : 3
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2011

Bonus concours:
[Cam] Camera mod Left_bar_bleue4/50[Cam] Camera mod Empty_bar_bleue  (4/50)

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeMar 8 Mar - 12:14

Les liens renvoies toujours vers un forum allemand et y'a rien a télécharger a part si on s'inscrit je suppose mais moi et l'allemand ça fait deux...
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Masculin Bélier Chien
Messages : 1019
Points : 6511
Réputation : 45
Date d'inscription : 12/02/2011
Age : 42
Localisation : nancy (54)
Humeur : pépère ....

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeMar 8 Mar - 12:20

Merci c'est réédité ^^
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Messages : 15
Points : 4885
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2011

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeSam 12 Mar - 12:02

Je vois qu'il y a 4 liens de téléchargements, différents.
Lesquels utiliser ? Tous ?
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Petit nouveau
Petit nouveau

Messages : 10
Points : 4875
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2011

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeMer 16 Mar - 18:07

salut. Bon bah perso impossible de télécharger ces 2 fichiers meme en s'étant inscrit sur ce site allemand. Il me sort ça: You are not authorised to view, download or link from/to this site.
Quelqu'un a un lien direct ou une soluce?
Merci par avance.
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Petit nouveau
Petit nouveau

Messages : 5
Points : 4886
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2011

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Mar - 18:13

T'es allé voir ici : Cam ?
Ça fonctionne nickel
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Petit nouveau
Petit nouveau

Messages : 10
Points : 4875
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2011

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeVen 18 Mar - 17:51

bah ouais ça marche pas. C'est par ce lien que j'ai essayé pourtant. je me suis inscrit sur ce site(4gamers) mais pas autoriser à télécharger.Pour info pour ceux qui ne sont pas allemagnophile comme moi, le site peut aussi etre en anglais.
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Petit nouveau
Petit nouveau

Messages : 5
Points : 4886
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2011

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeVen 18 Mar - 18:20

Essaie là, ça marche forcement c'est chez moi
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Petit nouveau
Petit nouveau

Messages : 10
Points : 4875
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2011

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeVen 18 Mar - 18:37

Aaah yes. Merci l'ami pour le lien direct, c'est tout de meme plus simple d'autant que ceux qui n'avaient pas réussi vont aussi en profiter. Merci encore Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Messages : 17
Points : 4896
Réputation : 1
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2011

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeVen 18 Mar - 18:38

Quelqu'un pourrait expliquer en français l'ensemble des modifications qu'apporte ce mod ? Et je vois qu'il y a besoin d'une installation, peut-on désinstaller après ?
Enfin le plus simple serait de mettre le zip sur megaupload non ? Perso j'arrive pas à le dl sur le site allemand et le lien que tu a mis ne permet de dl que le setup (et pas le zip)..
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Masculin Vierge Chat
Messages : 119
Points : 4991
Réputation : 6
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : Schweiz

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Avr - 17:11

Bah j'ai toujours des problèmes avec l'interface...

Si l'affichage des FPS marche très bien, le mod caméra libre m'embête!

Sinon molosse, on dit germanophone, et pas allemagnophile Razz
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Masculin Bélier Chien
Messages : 1019
Points : 6511
Réputation : 45
Date d'inscription : 12/02/2011
Age : 42
Localisation : nancy (54)
Humeur : pépère ....

[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Avr - 17:46

Je vais voir si une nouvelle version existe et je vais mettre le lien pour télécharger directement sur le site
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[Cam] Camera mod Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Cam] Camera mod   [Cam] Camera mod Icon_minitime

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[Cam] Camera mod

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