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Gestion TC - Cities In Motion
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Gestion TC - Cities In Motion
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Valleybridge Empty
MessageSujet: Valleybridge   Valleybridge Icon_minitimeLun 4 Juil - 16:24

AUTEUR : douglasrac

Hi everybody,

I'm happy to announce my latest creation: Valleybridge.
The city is based on Valleybridge from Traffic Giant. At the end it have nothing to do with the original city, but I decided to keep the name.

Valleybridge is programmed to grow with time, that's why is a city in motion. From 1924 to 1992 new constructions will appear almost every year. It will all be preceded by a construction site.
Some challenges will come with this. First you need to know the timeline in order to avoid making expensive investment in places where the city is planned to grow; second as the city grows, people will change the way they use the company lines.
If you don't like modifications while you play, just play the map starting from 1995 and no modifications will occur.

You can get to know in deep the timeline and the modifications in the second post: City History.

An if you are interested in knowing how the map was developed, see Developer Diary in the third post.

I hope you all enjoy!


Map size: 1024x1024
City Population in 1920: 8.000
City Population in 1990: 18,000


Download and Instructions

To install Valleybridge, simple extract Valleybridge folder into:

- for Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Cities In Motion\addons
- for Mac: /Users//Library/Application Support/Cities in Motion/addons


To play this map you also need:

- CombinedMod by stevebone.
- Tokyo Expansion Pack.

On wiki:

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